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Thursday, February 2, 2012

With Love, From Haiti

I wanted to share more about my trip to Haiti. I will try to add a counseling twist to it today, as I talk about the Children's Home we visited on Monday.

As, I said, we visited the Children's Home, Little Hands and Feet, on Monday. As I was there, I begin to think about adoption. Many of the children there are being adopted by families in the U.S., but there were a few who were not yet being adopted. As we talked with Greg later in the week, he gave us more of an insight on the adoption process in Haiti, as he is in the process of adoption a Haitian child. As the children clung to us soon after we walked through the door, I thought to myself how loving these children are. I thought, we look so different from them, but they do not care about the color of our skin or the texture of our hair, they just want to be held and loved in return. They could not even speak to us or us speak to them in a language that both could understand, but I realized love is universal.

What a wonderful reminder those little children brought to my life. They did not care who I was or where I came from, but openly accepted and loved me, just as I did them. It reminds me of John 13:34: A new command I give to you, Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. As I reflect back on being at the Children's Home and the orphanage we visited, the friendly smiles and hugs given, it reminded me of how much more Jesus loves us!

As for the children I met and their fate, I am not sure. I know that children are resilient, and I can only hope that they can feel and learn the love of Jesus too! It makes me sad and uncomfortable to see so many children in orphanages around the world, but to know they are resilient and can still love and be loved by complete strangers warms my heart! I am thankful for this gentle reminder and the smiles that will warm my heart forever.

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