I wanted to share some information about a group I lead: Survivors of Suicide. This group is to help those who have lost a family member or friend to suicide. Survivors of Suicide have been left behind not only by the person who died, but also the person who choose to take their life. Guilt and anger, among other, emotions are experienced by those that have been left behind by the suicide. This group helps members find hope for the future and learn how to heal through this very difficult time.
I myself am a survivor of suicide, so the group is very special to me. My father completed suicide and also killed my mother the same night. Not only is the group a way for me to give back to those who are going through the loss of their loved one, but it also allows me to learn things about healing along the way.
If you know someone who has lost a loved one to suicide, please have them contact me in order to find resources available to them in their area, so they may be blessed with healing as well.
Another resource for those of you in Tennessee is www.tspn.org The website lists SOS groups in Tennessee and provides other information that may be helpful to you and your friends.
In spite of this gloomy topic, I hope you have a wonderful week.
I love this. I love what you do and that you share a part of who you are in it. You are a wonderful therapist, Brittany!!